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Dawa Islamiyah

La direction de la Qibla

29 Août 2012 , Rédigé par Fawzi Farabi

Au nom d'Allah, Le Tout-Miséricordieux, Le Très Miséricordieux.

Pour s'orienter en direction de la Mecque, il faut prendre la direction Nord-Est

Le Prophète (صلى الله عليه وسلم) a dit: "Quand tu te Lèves pour la prière, fais tes ablutions, Puis prends la direction de prière correcte et dis:" Allahou Akbar "». (Al-Boukhari, Mouslim, As-Siraj)

Dieu (Le Très-Haut) a dit: (Donc Tourne ton visage vers la Mosquée sacrée. Où que vous soyez, tournez-y vos visages.)(2 / 144)


Contrairement à l'idée populaire généralement répendue, à partir du Québec, pour s'orienter en direction de la Mecque en Arabie-Saoudite, il faut prendre la direction Nord-Est et non pas sud-est.

Qibla Google NSEW
Qibla Google midle jpg

Qibla Direction from North America:
(voir la traduction offerte aimablement par notre soeur Roukaya19 en bas dans les commentaires)

The controversy of Qibla from North America surfaces from time to time. One group of people favors the direction of South-East, and another group favors North-East. Those who favor South-East are mislead by looking at the flat map with an argument that Makkah is south and East of North America. They are under a fallacy that the earth is a flat plane. Actually it is more like a sphere floating in space of three dimensions. North Pole is a point from where every direction is South; there is no East or West from there. If you take a globe and stretch a thread from Alaska to Makkah, you will see that the thread passes through or close by North Pole. So, the Qibla from Alaska will be towards North. On a flat map, it appears to be South-East from Alaska, which is not correct.

Qibla from Sun

It is not advisable to determine Qibla using compass specially for Orienting Masajid. The following method which uses the sun is more reliable. It has been observed for centuries and reported in many books by Muslims around the world that two times a year the sun comes overhead above Ka'bah. This is observational fact for centuries, and is used to set the correct Qibla direction in places far from Makkah by Muslims for last so many centuries. Those two dates and times are:


May 28 at 9:18 UT
July 15 at 9:27 UT

When you observe the sun at these times (after converting it to your local time), you will be facing the Ka'bah giving you Qibla direction, because if there were a very high minaret over Ka'bah reaching up to the sky, then you will see it just like you are seeing the sun. Now, let us take a few examples. If you are in Islamabad, Pakistan (+5 hours time difference from Greenwich), the local time to observe the sun would be 2:18 pm on May 28, and 2:27 pm on July 15.

Similarly, if you are in Nova Scotia, Canada (-3 hours time difference from Greenwich), the local time to observe the sun would be 6:18 am on May 28, and 6:27 am on July 15.

If you are at a location that you cannot see the sun on the above mentioned two dates, then you can locate Qibla from the sun when it comes overhead at a point diametrically opposite of Makkah on the globe and look for the following two dates and times:

November 28 at 21:09 UT
January 13 at 21:29 UT

Face toward the shadow from the sun at these times (after converting it to local time) and you will be facing Ka'bah. If you can see the sun but cannot see the shadow, put your back towards the sun and your face will be towards Qibla.

Source: http://moonsighting.com/qibla.html

Notez que la question a aussi été posée à plusieurs professeurs cartographes et géologues de diférentes universités au Québec et au Canada. Leurs réponses ont été ridiculement surprenantes car la majorité ont été élaborées sans tenir compte que la terre est ronde(sphérique) et non pas plate...

Ce sont là officiellement des preuves suplémentaires que même les scientifiques peuvent complètement se tromper et nous tromper sur des faits et des principes tout à fait élémentaires. Comme aussi au sujet de l'origine du monde et de l'humanité, dont la majorité parmis eux expliquent, encore faussement, uniquement par "la théorie de l'évolution" plutot que par l'évidente Création Divine.

Allah est plus Savant

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